Access Europa

Intercult runs the Access Europa network, a meeting place for the cultural sector to exchange and gather knowledge about international projects. Access Europe is a platform for international monitoring and networking, with expertise in operating international collaborations, where organizations and freelancers can learn from each other about how they can develop or seek international funding. Access Europe is for all types of cultural actors who are interested in skills development at home that leads further out into Europe and the world.

In 2020, Access Europe, in connection with the current pandemic, has moved out into a digital world with a Facebook group that is a public group, visible to all, everyone is welcome to join. By 2020, the group had 254 members, networking and exchanging experiences in the creation of international projects. All members are welcome to publish news about international projects, activities, financing – which leads to a joint competence boost about opportunities to work in other countries.

Here is a link directly to the Facebook group:

Facebook group