Bridging Digital Workshop – Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools


In April 2022  the team at Intercult held the workshop "Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools". The purpose of the workshop was to inspire the creation of productions with elements of digital tools, both in terms of the artistic and for broadcast and marketing. Being able to create an atmosphere and interaction from a traditional [...]

Bridging Digital Workshop – Create Performing Arts with Digital Tools2022-05-30T09:29:55+00:00

Bridging Digital Workshop in Greece


Two years of distance and experimentation. We learned to train, to be educated, to have fun, to go to the cinema, theatre, travel, to hang out and to live with the help of technology. We discovered that many of the things we thought were not happening are finally happening! Now is the time, not just [...]

Bridging Digital Workshop in Greece2022-05-10T21:02:56+00:00

Bridging Digital in Dunure!


StudioFV's video is a case study for our Erasmus+ project Bridging Digital , with Intercult as project leader, which explores how artists and communities can use digital technology. The video in question features University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Trent Kim and the work of his students on the New Media Art course with [...]

Bridging Digital in Dunure!2022-05-10T21:03:56+00:00

Webinar: How the use of Digital Media can strengthen local culture


Intercult´s webinar series (four sessions): HOW THE USE OF DIGITAL MEDIA CAN STRENGTHEN LOCAL CULTURE This methodology webinar series from Intercult, gives you examples, from invited cultural experts within the digital field, on how the use of digital media can strengthen and add value to local culture and smaller communities in risk of being forgotten. [...]

Webinar: How the use of Digital Media can strengthen local culture2022-05-02T13:13:30+00:00

Webinar: The Digital Culture – three exciting presentations


The webinar The Digital Culture presented three exciting conversations with pictures, videos and practical examples from three experts in different areas of digitized interaction within the artistic scene. Working with digital solutions, tools and experiences has been greatly affected by the pandemic in recent years. At a time when artists, cultural workers and actors within [...]

Webinar: The Digital Culture – three exciting presentations2022-05-02T13:00:25+00:00

Bridging Digital: Workshop “Podcast – a bridge between us and the readers”


(Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash) Bridging Digital is a cooperative European Erasmus + project focusing on innovative practises and enhancing the digital skills in the creative and informal education sectors. The partnership consists of four organisations from Greece, Poland, Scotland, and Sweden. The overall aim is to create a cross-learning between the creative-, the educational- and [...]

Bridging Digital: Workshop “Podcast – a bridge between us and the readers”2022-02-18T15:42:22+00:00

Video from “The new methods – Digital tools to create performance art” workshop


Did you miss our workshop “The new methods – Digital tools to create performance art” last December? Here is a video with the highlights of our event! The idea of the workshop was to inspire how to create a production with elements of digital tools for both the creation of the artistic part and for [...]

Video from “The new methods – Digital tools to create performance art” workshop2022-01-26T12:24:54+00:00

Report on digital technology in the performing arts sector in Sweden


The starting point of our project Bridging Digital was to do a mapping of the status of use of digital technology within the target groups in each of the partner organizations' countries. The purpose of this report is to showcase and summaries the results from the mapping of the current level of competence and use [...]

Report on digital technology in the performing arts sector in Sweden2022-01-17T10:41:21+00:00

Workshop: The new methods – Digital tools to create performance art


In December, we invited artists, producers and teachers in the performing arts to a workshop on the theme "The New Normal" with various examples of the use of digital tools that can work even with technology that most people already have access to. The idea was to inspire how to create a production with elements [...]

Workshop: The new methods – Digital tools to create performance art2021-12-16T10:27:18+00:00

Bridging Digital in Dunure


We are so excited about the news from Bridging Digital partner, Fablevision in Scotland! Fablevision, accompanied by StudioFV, was in Dunure, Ayrshire to shoot film and interviews for Bridging Digital: case studying the live art installation project developed and produced by Trent Kim (Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland), BA(Hons) New Media [...]

Bridging Digital in Dunure2022-05-30T08:36:39+00:00
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