
 Meet the Kaliningrad team!

Kaliningrad part of the ”Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood of Change” project is organized by a team of 4  women-professionals  with diverse backgrounds in the fields of sociology, urban, environmental and gender activism, geoecology, ecological education, botany, arts and cultural management. All the team members share the value of participatory approaches as well as have experience of collaboration on a number of major regional community & activism initiatives.   Anna Alimpieva, PhD Sociology   As a scholar focuses on the [...]

February 28th, 2022|

Webbinar: Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change: Cultural Heritage Meets New Technologies 

February 28, 2022, 14:00 – 15:30 CET Webinar on ZOOM platform Register to the event HERE “Embroidering is not just about embroidery and cooking is not just about a tasty dish. These used to be social activities which helped build social relations and the feeling of sisterhood” “Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood for Change” project partnership has the pleasure to invite you and your representatives to our international webinar. At the webinar we will hear from two renowned expert [...]

February 22nd, 2022|

 Euroscola on-line 2022!

The European Parliament launched the Euroscola project in 1990, which allow hundreds of thousands of high school students to take part in a simulation exercise of the work of MEPs. Now you, your friends and your school class can represent Sweden in Euroscola on-line during the spring term and discuss issues that are decided at EU level together with teachers and students from the EU's 26 other member states! Date and theme of the spring semester 2022: Wednesday 30 March [...]

February 21st, 2022|

Bridging Digital: Workshop “Podcast – a bridge between us and the readers”

(Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash) Bridging Digital is a cooperative European Erasmus + project focusing on innovative practises and enhancing the digital skills in the creative and informal education sectors. The partnership consists of four organisations from Greece, Poland, Scotland, and Sweden. The overall aim is to create a cross-learning between the creative-, the educational- and the technical sectors. The project is a combination of learning digital techniques as well as examining and creating new artistic formats where digital techniques will [...]

February 18th, 2022|

 Wiesława Tokarska

Pozwolcie ze przedstawimy wam polsko – szwedzka artystke Wieslawe Tokarska. Wiesława pracuje z nami w projekcie Creative Waves/ Baltic Sisterhood of Change. Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change to przedsięwzięcie, które powstało, by wspierać najbardziej wrażliwe grupy społeczne – szczególnie zaś artystki i aktywistki – w czasie pandemii i po niej. Tworzony przez kobiety oraz inspirowany społeczną i artystyczną działalnością kobiet projekt łączy tradycję z nowymi technologiami. W Sztokholmie Wiesława Tokarska  poprowadzi dla was warsztat na którym będzie można zaznajomić się z technika robienia biżuterii z filcu i [...]

February 16th, 2022|

Meet Wieslawa Tokarska

Intercult presents Wieslawa Tokarska - one of our Polish-Swedish artists working on the project "Creative Waves- Batic Sisterhood of change". The project collaboration focuses on artistic creation of traditional crafts from Poland and Sweden and competence in how to communicate your work through digital channels. Wieslawa Tokarska is a trained seamstress and for 20 years she has had her own sewing studio for women's clothing in Poland. There she designed and sewed party dresses, wedding dresses and clothes for dance [...]

February 13th, 2022|


RZEMIOSŁO ARTYSTYCZNE – DROGA OD HOBBY DO ZAWODU   Jak to się zaczęło i dlaczego działamy? Haft to nie tylko haft, a gotowanie to nie tylko potrawa! Dziś́ myślimy o tradycyjnie kobiecych zgromadzeniach wokół rzemiosła głownie pod kątem ich efektów końcowych, zapominając, że w kulturze ludowej były one również̇ wykorzystywane do podtrzymania ważnego budowania społeczności i siostrzanych wspólnot. Ten aspekt zainspirował międzynarodowy projekt Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change. Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change to przedsięwzięcie, które powstało, by [...]

February 12th, 2022|

Meet Halina Rosa – Our expert artist of Creative Waves

Our new project “Creative Waves- Baltic Sisterhood of Change” focuses on working with craft traditions and how to communicate these skills through digital channels. It is now time to introduce you our expert artists from Sweden! Halina Rosa is a Polish folk artist, painter and designer that lives in Stockholm. She has designed patterns from the provincial regions in Poland and Sweden and some of them have been patented. Her favourite themes in both painting and design are motifs from [...]

February 11th, 2022|

Invitation – Creative Waves inspirational meeting

INVITATION to women from Polish community  Baltic Sisterhood of change- Creative Waves inspirational meeting  STOCKHOLM Saturday 26 february 2022   Embroidery is not just embroidery, and cooking is not just food! Today we think of traditionally female gatherings around crafts  mainly in terms of their final results, forgetting that in folk culture they have also been used to maintain important  community building and sisterhoods. This aspect inspired the international project Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood for Change. Creative Waves, Baltic [...]

February 11th, 2022|
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