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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu fringilla justo. Etiam vel ultricies dolor. Maecenas augue quam, pharetra quis mauris ut, blandit aliquet sem. Aliquam accumsan placerat urna, ut lacinia mi. Nulla justo purus, dignissim in semper ac, vulputate vel sapien. Quisque consectetur dolor nec hendrerit lobortis. Cras dictum a risus a laoreet. Maecenas id facilisis erat. Nam at eros ultrices, hendrerit urna quis, rutrum purus.
Integer ultricies, magna sed eleifend iaculis, nibh odio tincidunt dolor, quis mattis quam libero eu quam. Praesent ac orci tincidunt, blandit metus congue, commodo odio. Donec et elementum arcu. Aenean euismod sed ex sed pulvinar. Donec magna mauris, auctor in varius id, hendrerit ac neque. Aenean sagittis finibus ullamcorper. Maecenas id ex suscipit risus interdum vulputate et in ipsum. Nulla vestibulum purus eu metus tempor lobortis. Maecenas sagittis, ex a semper ornare, ipsum sem eleifend ex, vel volutpat tortor nulla ac massa. Praesent vel magna elit. Nulla eu neque pretium, porttitor neque porttitor, tincidunt ex.
Senaste Nyheter
Take part of the short documentary film “Nature of Shipyard”
Take part of the short documentary film about Gdansk Shipyard to the right. Description of the film: Gdansk Shipyard. The world-famous place of birth and victory of Solidarity. Place of construction [...]
Anna and Mohammeds month in Stockholm: S.O.S. Climate Waterfront
S.O.S. Climate Waterfront is an interdisciplinary project consisting of 10 parts, from Portugal, Turkey, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland and Sweden. The project aims at finding strategies and methods to create sustainable [...]
Juvenes Translatores 2019
Now it is time to register your school to the Juventus Translatores (young translators) 2019! Juvenes Translatores is a translation contest being held for high school students born in 2002 to designate [...]
Take part of the film from Levadia!
Take part of the film from Levadia! The residency in Levadia in Greece is a part of the project Memory of Water. It is 13 minutes long and shows artists and [...]
Developing solutions for Lisbon
Take part of our first, investigatory month in Lisbon in March 2019 via the video to the right. The visit in Lisbon was a part of the project S.O.S. Climate Waterfront, [...]
Artistic duo SIMKA took part in the Urban Cultural Planning residency in Riga
UrbCultural Planning (UCP) is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region-program which runs from Januari 2019- June 2021, and it’s a project that aims to strengthen the innovation capacity of public sector [...]