The “Create Performing Arts with VR” course Intercult is organizing during  the spring of 2023 had its second workshop with the dancers, choreographers and VR creators in the artist duo Ongoing Realities – Anna Näsström and Johan Bandholtz.  

During these 2 days, the participants of the course have discussed possibilities and limitations for artistic projects with technical elements. After trying and using the VR equipment on their own, there was a more in-depth discussion about how to actually use VR as an artistic tool. The views are now widen but at the same time the limitations have become clearer.  

Words from the course’s workshop leader Johan Brandholtz:
“How can technologies such as VR, Motion Capture and animation be used in creative projects, both artistic and interdisciplinary? We, Johan Bandholtz and Anna Näsström discussed that together with the participants of the course we held last Thursday and Friday in collaboration with the organization Intercult.

With both historical and contemporary examples, we reflected on the technology’s possibilities and limitations, tested VR, and with guidance and feedback, the participants were able to formulate their own ideas with the technology as a co-player. This is what some participants said about the course”:

“The course was both inspiring and thought-provoking.
The fact that you are so articulate and pleasant is also a huge plus!”


“Sparked many exciting thoughts and discussions.
Feeling full of ideas on how I can integrate and explore XR technology in my artistry” 


The course’s participants and their own ideas have now also started to develop into virtual projects!

A meeting filled with joy and new thoughts and visions of what virtual performing arts can really mean?
Many thanks to the supervisors Anna Näsström and Johan Bandholtz for inspiring days!


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