Jonna Kina
is a multidisciplinary artist working in Helsinki. Her work explores the boundaries between reality and the artificial, between the viewer and the work of art, and the ability of sound to be translated into other sensory impressions. Jonna Kina is educated at the Finnish Academy of Art and Aalto University, New York’s School of Visual Arts and the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. Her work has been exhibited in museums in Japan, Estonia, Germany and the USA and her films have been awarded several prizes, including Best Nordic Short Film by Nordisk Parorama. The municipality of Huddinge works with the right to mother tongue and language support for the large scale of Swedish-Finnish residents in the area. This part of Eyelander brings to mind the network of relationships that spans the Öster(Väster)sjön, invisible but highly palpable. 

Read more about Jonna Kina’s artistry here: https://www.jonnakina.com/

Jonna Kina represents Huddinge municipality in eyelander.

Fullersta Gård, Huddinge Municipality                                    Huddinge church as place, without tower from 1865

CULTURAL HERITAGE IN HUDDINGE – viewed through art  
Jonna Kina’s site-specific artwork 3023 (working title) will be presented live in Huddinge municipality on June 9, 2023 and will then be available through the project’s website and program days at Fullersta Gård. 3023 is a sound work that takes the place of Huddinge church with its historical and ecological dimensions as a point of departure. More information about the work will come shortly.