2021 is here and we are preparing for the last year of the I_Improve project! Time has truly flown by and we are very excited for this last run.
A lot has happened these past three years, and to learn as much as possible from our experiences all of the partner organisations have participated in the I_Improve Conversations. This is an informal video series, where we reflect about our choices, the differens projects, the Change maker process, and more.
The conversations are based from so called templates – a type of form we all filled in at the start of the project. Back then, we wrote a baseline for what we wanted to improve and develop within each organization, our suggestions for our individual projects and change makers. Before the I_Improve Conversations, each of us went back and reviewed our old templates, and had a chat about what had changed over these past years. Many things had turned out differently than expected (not least because the pandemic) and it was very rewarding reflections that followed.
Please click the link below to have a look at Intercult’s and out five partner organisations conversations, and let us know if you have experienced similar thoughts, ideas, struggles, and progress. Join our learning and I_Improve journey!