Theatre in Palm2022-12-13T10:54:53+00:00

Intercult is one of 12 partner organisations participating in ‘Theatre in Palm’, the first platform project launched exclusively for the performing arts by Creative Europe!

 Theatre in Palm (TIP) will between the years 2022–2025 work towards establishing a platform for those working in the performing arts, which can act as a stepping stone for European exchange and intercultural collaboration. The main aims of the project are to help emerging theatre artists navigate in their career as well as to broaden networks and facilitate cooperation between the project member countries. This groundbreaking project is coordinated by Turku UAS. Apart from Sweden, organisations from Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria will be active on the platform.

Theatre in Palm will shine a light on emerging European theatre artists and their work, which will become visible beyond national borders. This will help other professionals who wish to get in touch with emerging practitioners and audiences. In the long run, we anticipate that the circulation of theatre artists and their works will generate new and more sustainable public spaces for experiencing culture. In this way, TIP is a project that benefits audiences too, as it makes cultural events more accessible locally and internationally.

The participating theatre artists can use TIP as an interactive map that guides them in where and how far they wish to go. They will be offered advice and support, work experience and inspiration, from both local and international actors.

Intercult will contribute to the project in the following ways:

  •   Digital, hybrid and physical residence
    The residencies connect 20 emerging Swedish theatre artists with participants from a chosen partner organisation (“duo”). Experienced mentors will organise and guide the work, which provides an opportunity for deeper international cooperation and mutual exchange between participants.
  •   “Go and See” mobilities
    Intercult will host representatives from partner organisations and arrange a programme of study visits and activities to inform guests about the work of Swedish theatres and cultural organisations.
  •   “Digital Coffee Talks”
    Intercult will arrange two interactive webinars that explore the use of digital tools in the performing arts, asking the questions: what is the status of digital performing arts today? What are the possibilities and the challenges of digital tools in theatre arts?
  •   “European Theatre Labs”
    Intercult will organise 6 workshops on a local level that explore topics chosen by workshop leaders and experts. These sessions will provide an opportunity for emerging artists to establish new connections and methods while developing themselves in the field.
  •   “Theatre Academy”
    During August 2024, Intercult will arrange an educational session aimed at national and international emerging artists by inviting experts to lead the event.
  •   “Theatre Movement”
    Intercult will organise 5 local performances as an end-product of collaboration within the framework of the project. Emerging artists will be able to shine a light on a social issue of their choice by presenting their work on an open stage.

 The project culminates in international theatre productions and festivals – “Theatre Roadshow“ – in the partner organisation countries, and a digital archive that gathers all the performances and valuable information in one place: “Theatre Repository”.

Intercult is thrilled to be taking part in this project and looks forward to further developing its work with the stage arts. Previous similar projects that Intercult has contributed to are, among others, SEAS: Baltikum/Adriatico & Second Wave, a series of cultural happenings and nomadic festivals in Europe taking place between two seas and in 13 port cities; PARC, the establishment of an educational centre for performing arts professionals in Palestine; and Baltic Audience Links, an international project about audience development in the Baltic Sea Region. As an organisation, we know that international cultural collaboration can be a catalyst for previously unexplored modes of expression and for creating new possibilities that drive culture forward.

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Visit the Theater in Palms website for upcoming opportunities and OPEN CALLS

The project members are foundations, theatre companies, institutes, art and production centers  

Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Intercult, Sweden
Fondazione E35 per la progettazione internazionale, Italy
Smashing Times Theatre company, Ireland
JÁIT – international theatre, Portugal
Stichting ZID, Netherlands
CUBE, Greece
European Theatre and Film Institute, Belgium
THOC Cyprus Theatre Organisation, Cyprus
Homemade Culture, Romania
Oecon Group, Bulgaria

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