SMart Produktionshus
Intercult has founded the daughter company SMartSe together with SMartBe – Societé Mutuelle des Artistes in Belgium. SMartSe provides simple tools and advice for artists, cultural producers and creative professionals. The users of SMartSe get less complex administration, faster cash flow and more time to realise their creative projects. SMartSe works on a non-profit principle and reinvests any surplus in the organisation in order to offer more and better services at a steady low price.
As an employer of hundreds of artists and creatives throughout the years, Intercult has long term experience of freelancers’ situation in Sweden and Europe. Devoting yourself to a project only to find yourself stuck with complex paper work at the end of the year is a sour experience. By providing the SMartSe services we can be a part of a solution that enables artists and creative professionals to focus on the creative work that matters to them.