Jan Manker
is a painter and graphic artist born in Stockholm in 1941. He is educated at Stockholm University and at Konsthögskolan (School of Art), and has later worked as a teacher at Konstfack (Sweden’s largest university for arts, crafts and design). He was also involved in creating and running
Grafikens Hus. Mankar has worked with most materials and techniques that 2D-art can offer during his career, and has been involved with the rise of digital graphics since the 90s. He has had his own exhibitions at (among others) Konstakademien (the Academy of Arts), Konstens Hus Luleå (the House of Arts) and Malmö Konsthall (Malmö Art Gallery) and has produced a large number of works for schools, hospitals and other public environments. Many of Jan Mankers works concern temporality. Photography, painting and prints are layered like sediment, traces of past, present and future. At the same time, there is a randomness that gives the images certain independence and a life of their own. 

Read more about Jan Manker’s artistry here: http://manker.se/ 

Jan Manker represents Nykvarn municipality in eyelander.

Photo: Sven Johansson, 2014