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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu fringilla justo. Etiam vel ultricies dolor. Maecenas augue quam, pharetra quis mauris ut, blandit aliquet sem. Aliquam accumsan placerat urna, ut lacinia mi. Nulla justo purus, dignissim in semper ac, vulputate vel sapien. Quisque consectetur dolor nec hendrerit lobortis. Cras dictum a risus a laoreet. Maecenas id facilisis erat. Nam at eros ultrices, hendrerit urna quis, rutrum purus.
Integer ultricies, magna sed eleifend iaculis, nibh odio tincidunt dolor, quis mattis quam libero eu quam. Praesent ac orci tincidunt, blandit metus congue, commodo odio. Donec et elementum arcu. Aenean euismod sed ex sed pulvinar. Donec magna mauris, auctor in varius id, hendrerit ac neque. Aenean sagittis finibus ullamcorper. Maecenas id ex suscipit risus interdum vulputate et in ipsum. Nulla vestibulum purus eu metus tempor lobortis. Maecenas sagittis, ex a semper ornare, ipsum sem eleifend ex, vel volutpat tortor nulla ac massa. Praesent vel magna elit. Nulla eu neque pretium, porttitor neque porttitor, tincidunt ex.
Senaste Nyheter
Tre nya kunskapsrika workshops från SmartSE och Intercult!
Smart SE och Intercult kommer under februari och mars månad djupdyka i den digitala dimensionen och den virtuella världen! Är ni redo att nå nya nivåer med ert konstnärsskap och samtidigt [...]
Two-days workshop with Jonas Myrstrand
Last Thursday, our new course "Create Stage Art with VR" started with a two-day workshop at SITE - Production Centre for Performing Arts. Here, the participants, together with Jonas Myrstrand , immersive [...]
It's hard to imagine, but it was April once ... sun, green leaves and flowers ... and then there was also 𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗡, which was organized by the City Culture Institute as part [...]
Hackaton MusicJam 2022
Bridging Digital is the transfer of the potential that lies in the combination of culture and technology. MusicJam, which took place in Gdańsk a month ago, showed how much it could be [...]
Open Call: Digital Residency on 6-10 February 2023
We are now looking for emerging theatre artists for the first digital residency, via an OPEN CALL Theatre in Palm, international project funded by Creative Europe, is hosting a digital residency on 6–10 [...]
Launch date for new VR workshop: January 19th-20th 2023!
The new programme from Intercult “Creating Performing Arts with VR!” have a launch date set to January 19th-20th! In 2023, Intercult kicks it off with two introduction days with Jonas Myrstrand on [...]