Titel här
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu fringilla justo. Etiam vel ultricies dolor. Maecenas augue quam, pharetra quis mauris ut, blandit aliquet sem. Aliquam accumsan placerat urna, ut lacinia mi. Nulla justo purus, dignissim in semper ac, vulputate vel sapien. Quisque consectetur dolor nec hendrerit lobortis. Cras dictum a risus a laoreet. Maecenas id facilisis erat. Nam at eros ultrices, hendrerit urna quis, rutrum purus.
Integer ultricies, magna sed eleifend iaculis, nibh odio tincidunt dolor, quis mattis quam libero eu quam. Praesent ac orci tincidunt, blandit metus congue, commodo odio. Donec et elementum arcu. Aenean euismod sed ex sed pulvinar. Donec magna mauris, auctor in varius id, hendrerit ac neque. Aenean sagittis finibus ullamcorper. Maecenas id ex suscipit risus interdum vulputate et in ipsum. Nulla vestibulum purus eu metus tempor lobortis. Maecenas sagittis, ex a semper ornare, ipsum sem eleifend ex, vel volutpat tortor nulla ac massa. Praesent vel magna elit. Nulla eu neque pretium, porttitor neque porttitor, tincidunt ex.
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Do you want to join and create this year’s seminar program?
Dear Members in Access Europe! Prior to the production of this year's seminar program, we gladly take part of your views to build a program that interests you. What questions do you think [...]
Svenskar mest nyfikna på kulturarv i Europa! (Översätt)
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Intercult participates in new project: Baltic Audience Links
Baltic Audience Links is a new network project with a specific aim to widen and strengthen the existing networks: River//Cities (EU) and Access Europa (SE), giving them a clear Baltic dimension. Project [...]
What are the ten issues to watch in the EU in 2018?
What are the ten issues to watch in the EU in 2018? For the second year running, the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has identified the key issues and policy areas that [...]
EDI & Intercult at Folk & Kultur
On 7-10 February EDI participated in the culture covention Folk & Kultur. The days were packed with a seminar and workshop program. During the days you also found us on the exhibition square together [...]
SMart nominated for the European Social Innovation award!
Nyheter från SMart i Europa: SMart nominated for the European Social Innovation award! It is with delight that we can share that SMart has been selected for the‘ICT-Enabled Social Innovation’ (IESI) Award, [...]