Siegfried Vynck, the Belgian artist representing our partner City of Ostend, sketching and painting a large-scale mural of the Erkyna myth – the origin story of Levadia’s river, with a contemporary twist.During the residency, Vynck will also reconnect with local graffiti crews to share skills and techniques of their craft.
The Erkyna myths says that a girl named Erkyna came to play in Levadia with her friend Persephone. One day they had brought a goose with them and as they played, they saw the goose running away and suddenly the goose fell into a hole. Erkyna ran after the goose to to catch her. As she couldn’t reach the goose, she lifted a large stone. The moment she lifted the stone, water started running from under it. This water became more and more until it became a whole river. Unfortunately, the river swallowed both the goose and the little girl, Erkyna. (Source)
Today, the River Erkyna runs continuously through the city of Levadia. Siegfried Vyncks mural will become a permanent memory of Memory of Water, an enduring trail of Europa in the small town Levadia. The pictures below shows the work in progress and Siegfrieds meeting with Mayor Mrs. Giota Poulou.