Two years of distance and experimentation. We learned to train, to be educated, to have fun, to go to the cinema, theatre, travel, to hang out and to live with the help of technology. We discovered that many of the things we thought were not happening are finally happening! Now is the time, not just to go back to before, but to see what lessons we learned from this experience and how we will use it in the future.


Bridging Digital is meeting this challenge. This European program run under Erasmus +, is focusing on innovative practices and aiming to support the development and integration of digital and creative skills, both for adult educators and art professionals.


Hellenic Adult Education Association – our partners from Greece – are organising a workshop on May 11, 2022 where the following issues will be discussed:

  • Can the history of a place be reinvented through the use of digital media in the physical space?
  • Can librarians attract new audiences with the help of Podcasts?
  • Can we attend a theatrical performance and dance lessons with the help of virtual reality?
  • Could we turn a theatrical event into a participatory interactive experience, utilizing the principles of cinematic art?


The program of the meeting


17:00 – 17:10 Welcome

17:10 – 17:25 Presentation of the Bridging Digital program

17:25 – 17:45 “Angels of Joy” – Action and involvement in the program

17:45 – 20:00 Workshop: “Adapting theatrical practice to digital media: creative tools and educational applications” Lecturer: Vangelis Kalampakas


Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash